County of Roanoke
(540) 387-6078


Group Swim Lessons 45 minute
No Tax

Course Dates

Every Wed
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About this Course

Now you’re really a swimmer! Swimmers in this class are very confident and comfortable in the water while developing strokes such as dolphin kick, breast stroke and eventually butterfly and side stroke. We'll also practice rotary breathing and being able to swim the distance of our lap lane without stopping. Safety lessons become more in depth and cover more topics. While we have combined Levels 3 and 4 to be able to keep offering both levels, do not think for a minute that your child is missing out on any skills or information. They will be challenged to learn all 6 strokes, swim the length of our lap lanes several times during the lesson and be considered "water competent" according to the American Red Cross. Instructors are pushing students at this level to refine their strokes. Many participants are ready for swim team when they complete this class.